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Vote your favorite athletes in!



  • Welcome to PMC’s Kickball All-Star Game! We use this night (typically one-two weeks post playoffs) to invite all teams and members of the PMC community (and their families) out for some outdoor relaxation, socialization, and yes, even a highly touted kickball game!


  • Most importantly, this special night is a testament to the players that were huge contributors to their teams in their respective seasons. Doing so puts them in a position to be voted into the game by their teammates as well as other players around the league. This game is all about giving power to and highlighting the players that make this sport so competitive and fun to be a part of! To be eligible to play, you MUST submit a ballot, participating in the event as a whole.


  • Nominated players get to experience so much on the field. New teammates, new competition, new strategy, new culture, new positions, etc. Unnominated players still show up to attend the fun, talk some smack, and watch a highly competitive game. The community and culture are always on a completely different level, which are big reasons why we do what we do. We hope everyone experiences the unique value and environment All-Star Night brings to our league. 


  • The game is a 6-inning matchup that features players nominated by popular vote. These nominees are labeled our PMC All-Stars for the season! The rules of the All-Star Game are always in accordance with the PMC Kickball Rulebook (posted on PMC’s website). 


  • How does the nomination process work? 

  • PMC creates online ballots that contain the full list of rosters for all teams this season. Captains from each team have all registered players fill out said ballots via phone or laptop. 

  • Each player votes for two (2) males and two (2) female from each team to be represented in the All-Star Game.

  • Voting is limited to registered players. Non-registered players (subs) are ineligible to vote on the ballots.

  • Eligible players are highly encouraged but not required to vote. Not voting however has consequences for players that want to be voted in.

  • Votes for players on the same team are worth two (2) points each. This encourages players on the same team to vote for each other.

  • Votes for players on other teams are worth two (2) point each.

  • Players CANNOT vote for themselves.

  • Points for each player is tallied after the voting deadline (usually one week) passes.

  • The top 14 male players that receive the most points are voted onto the All-Star Game rosters.

  • The top 10 female players that receive the most points are voted onto the All-Star Game rosters. 

  • All-Star Game rosters are each composed of twelve (12) players: seven (7) male and five (5) female.

  • Both rosters are evenly constructed to create balanced competition.

  • Players that are nominated but cannot attend are replaced by the player that received the next highest amount of points from votes.

  • Nominated male players that cannot attend will be replaced by the male players next in line.

  • Nominated female players that cannot attend will be replaced by female players next in line.

  • Rosters are released after each nominated player officially commits to attending All-Star Night.

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